Employee Review Form

Publish: August 16, 2017 by framestr

Categories: Forms

The employee review process is an important aspect of improving both individuals performance in the workplace. The feedback the employee receives can be used to create professional development plans, discuss positives and negatives of past performance, and develop goals for the future.

When you use the Framestr employee evaluation form for your organization you’ll be able to adapt the form to suit your needs. The form is fully comprehensive, adaptable, and can securely store confidential information. Framestr also offers other evaluation forms such as the course evaluation form, self evaluation form, and other evaluation form templates.

What to Consider While Performing an Employee Evaluation

Performing employee evaluations are a key step in helping your employee to develop useful goals which they can work toward, while also providing actionable feedback they can use to immediately boost their performance.

Tip #1: Be helpful.

The goal of the employee review is to be helpful. You don’t want the person you’re reviewing to not be able to gain any useful information out of your review. Make sure you’re helping them to create somewhat of a roadmap to go forward with in order to improve their work performance.

Tip #2: Don’t be negative.

There’s no need to be negative during the employee review process. When you make a negative comment, it can stay with an employee for a long time and hurt their feelings. To avoid being negative, instead of saying what they’re doing wrong, tell them what they could improve upon. Always state things in a positive light.

Tip #3: Give actionable advice.

During the training process you want to give actionable advice. You want to give advice people can use the minute they walk out of your training session and begin working again. By giving people actionable advice they may be more likely to remember it and put it into practice. To make advice actionable, give them step by step guidelines on how to accomplish your advice.

Tip #4: Create a professional development plan.

Once your employee feedback form has been written, it’s time to set up a one-on-one meeting. This meeting is useful for going over the feedback in their employee evaluation. During this meeting you should help your employee create a professional development plan to improve the areas they need more training in. The professional development plan is also about developing work related goals they can work toward.

Tip #5: Receive feedback.

Once your training session is complete, ask for feedback from your employee. This will help you to improve your training sessions by making it more entertaining and adding clarity to areas where an employee may be confused. One way to elicit useful feedback is through a survey template.

The Benefits of a Performance Review Form

The employee performance review is an old, but still useful, tradition for many organizations across the world. If you’re wondering why the performance review should be completed, here are a few reasons.

Clarify Positions: One of the great benefits of the employee review template is that it allows us to clarify roles and positions within an organization. This is especially useful for those who are new to the organization and are trying to find their footing. When you use a performance review form you’ll be able to discuss the goals and tasks of the person in a specific role, helping them to boost performance.

Who Dos Their Job Well: No one likes a slacker. When you use an employee review template you’ll be able to see who is doing their job and who is just faking it. This makes the firing process much easier, as you have clear evidence as to whether someone is the right fit for your organization or if they belong somewhere else.

Develop Professional Development Plans: The professional development plan can be completed using a professional development evaluation form. This form allows people to develop their own specific and individualized training regime. This type of development plan is useful to hone in on one person’s weaknesses and strengths, rather than casting a wide net across everyone and hoping everyone gains some benefit.

Open Communication: The evaluation form makes open communication the routine in the workplace. You’ll find that when you evaluate others, by telling them the positives as well as the negatives, you are more easily able to create a dialogue to discuss performance.

Framestr makes it easy for you to elicit great feedback to help your employee’s boost performance. Their customizable templates can be stored in an online database, helping you to keep this confidential information safe and secure. Try out this free sample template today!

Check out Framestr’s sample Employee Review Form Template:

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