Employee Complaint Form

Publish: August 4, 2017 by framestr

Categories: Forms

Employee Complaint Form

An employee complaint form is an integral part of any business. Even though we all try to run smooth business operations to keep everyone happy, sometimes employees will still have serious and egregious complaints. Using this Framestr employee complaint form sample template you can make it easy for them to comfortably file a complaint.

This employee complaint form will be one of the most important HR forms within your toolkit. Once a complaint is lodged human resources will be able to launch an investigation into harassment or other claims.

The Framestr complaint form is adaptable and fully comprehensive to cover all your businesses employee complaint form needs. Easily upload the complaint form online so that every complaint is recorded and stored in a safe, centralized location, allowing you to handle each complaint form with care and diligence.

Check out Framestr’s sample Employee Complaint Form Template:

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